Sunday, August 3, 2008

Botanical Gardens

It's gonna take a lot o water to fill that can up!

Jason found this zebra buttefly in the butterfly house.

I think that carrot is ready to pick!


Can anyone guess what I got to walk inside of? Hint - they make great pies.

Jason - watch out!

I think this ruler is upside down.

Can you tell what my favorite partof the gardens was? The kids garden - of course!

The Zoo

How did you get that giraffe on your shoulder, Jason?
We were both moving about as fast as this guy by the end of the day. In fact, I wish we could have bummed a ride!
The polar bear was our favorite animal at the zoo. I really wanted to do a few laps in his pool. It looked very refreshing - it was over 100 on Saturday. Too bad I forgot my goggles!
This guy reminded me of Aslan from Narnia.

We also ran into Tina the llama. How about some casserole for lunch?
We had a great day at the Albuquerque Bio Park. After the zoo we rode the train over to the aquarium and botanical gardens. They had scuba divers in the shark tank for feeding when we got to the aquarium. They must go through a lot of divers - what would you rather eat if you were a shark - dead fish or a cute scuba diver? I think I will tell my students that they will have to clean the shark tank if they are naughty. Good idea!